Dance Music Manual

Dance Music Manual book cover

Dance Music Manual, aimed at the novice and seasoned professional alike, takes the reader through the software and hardware needed to create original, captivating, and professional sounding music.

Key features of Dance Music Manual include:

Along with the book is a companion website, which provides examples of synthesis programming, compression, effects, MIDI files, and examples of the tracks discussed in this edition.

The new and improved fourth edition covers processes and techniques used by music producers, masters, mixers, and DJs. Each page is full of facts presented in a manner that is easy to absorb and implement.

Table of Contents

The Studio Centre Piece

The Audio Interface

Monitors and headphones

Frequency and Amplitude

FM and wavetables

The Theory of Sound Design.

Mixing Desk structure

Fundamentals of Rhythm

Kicks and Percussion

Fundamentals of Music Theory

Composing and Designing Strings

Composing and Designing Leads

Composing and Designing Bass

Formal Structure in Dance Music

Publishing and Promotion

A DJ’s Perspective



Rick Snoman has over 30 years’ experience in the production of electric dance music. He has released under various names including AeonSoul, Phiadra, NeuroKode and Ascii, and has remixed professionally for numerous international artists. He has written articles and columns for leading music technology magazines, and is the founder of Dance Music Production, an industry leading educational website. He is the author of the first three editions of Dance Music Manual , which are required reading at a number of universities, and actively encourages the education/development of music producers. He currently runs his own recording studio and works as a ghost producer for artists and DJs.

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