In addition to the General Business License, the following business types also need to submit a permit application for their unique business.
Cannabis Businesses Entertainment (Bars, Nightclubs) Ambulance/Gurney Vehicles | Massage Establishments |
Senate Bill 205 went into effect on January 1, 2020, which requires regulated industrial businesses to provide the City of Long Beach with their Stormwater Permit Number, (WDID #). All businesses will be required to complete the Supplemental National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) /Senate Bill 205 form prior to receiving a new or renewed business license. For more information regarding this requirement or for assistance with completing the form, please call (562) 570-6691 or email For detailed information regarding Senate Bill 205, please click here.
View the FY25 Proposed Budget in-depth.
Hearings, Meetings and Presentations pertaining to the City of Long Beach Budget
City of Long Beach full list of Financial Policies
City of Long Beach full list of Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports
Approved ballot initiative, investing in public infrastructure and critical public safety.