ACFT Failure 2024

In the United States Army, you must take a physical fitness test, whether it’s the APFT or the new ACFT. So it depends on when you’re taking it.

I will provide a detailed explanation of the Army Combat Fitness Test Scoring, the consequences of ACFT failure, and the specific retesting timelines and conditions for different soldier categories.

In the context of the United States Army and the phrases mentioned:


RC (less USAR (AGR))

Table of Contents hide

ACFT Scoring Overview:

Actions Post-ACFT Failure

What happens when we don’t pass the ACFT?

Failing ACFT the First Time:

Retesting Guidelines

RA/USAR (AGR) Soldiers

RC (less USAR (AGR)) Soldiers

Training and Education Courses

Direct Commissioned Officers

Flags and Recommendations Prior to Specific Dates

Impact on Promotions After Specific Dates

Specific Directives for Enlisted Personnel

Starting from 1 April 2023 (for RA/USAR (AGR)) and 1 April 2024 (for RC (less USAR (AGR))):

Guidelines for Officers

Commencing 1 April 2023 (for RA/USAR (AGR)) or 1 April 2024 (for RC (less USAR (AGR))):

Summary and Considerations:

Conclusion and Personal Experience

In conclusion, the following can happen if you fail the ACFT

1. Retest

2. Remedial Training

Diagnostic PT tests

3. Career Implications

4. Documentation

5. Retention Implications

6. Medical Evaluation

Note: The Transition Period and Updates

Failing ACFT in Basic Training

The Army might recycle you if you are in basic training and fail the ACFT test. But, on the other hand, they might give you several chances and eventually kick you out. So it depends on that leadership as well.

George N. is the founder of While he never actually served in the United States Army, he has a passion for writing about military-related topics.

Born and raised in Bozeman, Montana, he graduated from George State University with an MBA in Actuarial Science. His hobbies include beach volleyball, hiking, fishing, and lifting weights

George is also a certified nutritionist with a passion for health and fitness.

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